Audist Services

We make sure everything is under control

Government Audits

If you receive a letter from the IRS, Don't Worry! Contact us to assist you with any situation.

Don’t be alarmed when you don’t understand why you’re hearing, every year the IRS sends thousands of letters about tax returns, tax accounts, etc.

This serves to regulate your situation and generally each letter sent by the IRS has specific instructions, have complete confidence that we will have the correct and effective solution, we can help and advise you throughout the entire hearing process.

Our experience in helping clients with:


(Government Audits)

The IRS sends notices and letters for the following reasons:

  1. You have a balance owed.
  2. You are owed a larger or smaller refund.
  3. THE IRS has a question about your tax return.
  4. THE IRS needs to verify your identity.
  5. The IRS needs additional information.
  6. THE IRS changed your return.
  7. THE IRS needs to notify you of delays in processing your return.

If you owe the government the government has the power to seize your bank accounts.

A bank levy is a legal document that allows the taxpayer’s bank or financial institution to suspend the taxpayer’s account and deduct 100% of the funds in the taxpayer’s account, up to the amount shown on the notice.

Insurance Audits

General Liabilities audit every year and sometimes more than once.

We prepare your response and can represent you if you wish. We also advise you to save money if a corporate restructuring adapts to your reality and expectations.


(Insurance Audits)

The auditor may require a review of your financial records, such as payroll records, general ledgers, and tax returns.

Audits are generally annual, but in some cases more than once a year. It is beneficial for you to have your accounting records up to date; by employee and subcontractors, describing the type of work they perform.

The final audit premium (cost) will be compared to the estimated premium and a premium adjustment statement reflecting any changes will be sent to you.

Please note that a significant change may require the auditor to also adjust your current policy premium.

Yes, when a document is presented as evidence, auditors request both the original document and its certified translation into English.
(Certified English Translation)